List Meta tag which are using on blog

Sunday, March 6, 2011 0 comments
Make your blog more search engine friendly is required in certain ways to optimize seo one of them is to put Meta Tags on your blog template. What is Meta Tags? Meta Tags is a script that contains the information for easier search engines in indexing your website / blog.    Meta Tags contain HTML code metadata used by search engines to determine the description, keyword, author, and others from a blog / website. Thus, meta tags play an important role to improve the ranking of a blog / website in the eyes of search engines. And to increase visitor traffic to your blog. All meta tags should be placed in a heading element that is after <head> code and before code </ head>.
Here's some basic code of Meta Tags for your website / blog that you can use:
1. Meta Description Tags
Contains descriptions or descriptions of content that is in the blog / website. A good description is a description that includes the entire contents of your blog / website. Here's the code:

<meta content="your description" name="description"/>

2. Keyword Meta Tags
Contains some keywords or keywords that relate to the content of your blog. Better you choose 10 to 15 keywords or keywords that are most popular or frequently appear on the pages of your blog / website. To determine the keywords you can use Google Analytics or Google Webmasters Tools. Here's the code:

<meta content='KEYWORD1,KEYWORD2,KEYWORD3,dst' name='keywords'/>

3. Meta Tags Author
Contains information on behalf of the owner or manager of a website / blog. Here's the code:
<meta content='admin' name='author'/>

4. Meta tags are Copyright (Copyright)
Informing that the content and information on the website / blog you own the copyright. Here's the code:

<meta content='write HOLDER NAME I- 2010' name='copyright'/>

5. Meta Tag Email
Inform your email address to menghunbungi pemilk of the blog / website. Here's the code:

<meta content='write email' name='email'/> YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS

6. Meta Tag Character Set (character font)
To tell the browser in displaying the font and character of your blog. Here's the code:

<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/>

7. Meta Tag Rating
To facilitate the search engines in determining the rating of your blog visitors. Here's the code:

<meta content='General' name='Rating'/>

8. Meta Robots Tag
To give permission or not in Robots, or Crawler search engines to index your blog pages. Here's the code:

<meta content='General' name='Rating'/>

9. Revisit Meta Tag
To tell the search engine time to re-index your website / blog. Here's the code:

<meta content='4 Days' name='Revisit-after'/>

10. Meta Tags Expires
To tell search engines when a websute / blog is not available. Berkut code:

<meta content='never' name='expires'/>

Here's an example html meta tags to place on top as a whole:

<meta content='write your blog description' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORD1,KEYWORD2,KEYWORD3,dst' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='write your author' name='author'/>
<meta content='write your copyright' name='copyright'/>
<meta content='write email here' name='email'/>
<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/>
<meta content='General' name='Rating'/>
<meta content='never' name='Expires'/>
<meta content='INDEX,FOLLOW' name='Robots'/>
<meta content='4 Days' name='Revisit-after'/>

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